Hollow Haven is very proud of their UPHA Horses of the Year!
Heartland Accolade and Our Brilliant Belle were named by UPHA for the second year in a row.
CH Heartland Accolade
CH Heartland Accolade
WC Our Brilliant Belle
WC Our Brilliant Belle
CH Heartland Accolade
This was a very special week and year when Zach and Accolade were named the World's Champions in the Juvenile Pleasure driving after loosing his grandmother, Nancy Anderson.
CH Heartland Accolade
Zach and Heartland Accolade were named UPHA Juvenile Hackney Pleasure Driving and was the UPHA Adult Pleasure Driving in 2016 -
WC Our Brilliant Belle
Mary Gise and Belle won both Ladies and Amateur Championship in Kansas City -
WC Our Brilliant Belle
Belle won her qualifier and Championship at Louisville with straight first place votes.
Congratulations! Special horses!